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New ways to support Careline Connections
Now there are new ways to support Careline financially.
Use Steer Incorporated to manage your giving and distribute some of your gift to Careline Connections.
Participate in the Container Deposite scheme (Victoria). Collect bottles and cans and donate your refund to Careline Connections.
Run a Facebook fundraiser and encourage your friends to give to Careline Connections.
For more details of these ways of giving please see our fundraising page.
Ian Richardson leaving the Careline Board
At its annual meeting, the Board thanked and farewelled Dr Ian Richardson. Ian was a foundational member of the Careline Board when Careline was taken on as a ministry of CCAA. He noted the enormous amount of work put in by John Andersen and Andrew Schram and have seen the connection grow to cover 2 million potential listeners across Australia.
The Board thanked Ian for his faithful, insightful and enthusiastic support of Careline. It was noted that Ian is a safe presence amongst us.
The Board is pursuing various possible new members for the Board.

New Careline Volunteers
This year Careline Connections has recruited nine new volunteers to assist with the helpline, in taking calls. This will alloy us to take more calls and help more people.
Sadly, we have also said goodbye to five of our volunteers, some of who have been volunteering with Careline for a long time.
Careline Connections also has some new volunteers who are helping out behind the scenes. These volunteers are also greatly appreciated.

New Careline Code of Conduct
Recently the Careline Connection Board approved the new Code of Conduct for all volunteers. The code of conduct has been developed over the last 12 months and includes new standards of behaviour and expectations of volunteers. The new Code of Conduct includes the values of Careline Integrity, Privacy, Professionalism, and Respect.
New Careline Media Partner -Rhema 99.9
Rhema 99.9 in Port Macquarie have signed an agreement with Careline Connections which will result in a Rhema 99.9 Careline early next year. Rhema 99.9 broadcast in the area of Port Macquarie and the Mid North coast of NSW. The Rhema 99.9 Careline will provide a support and referral service, offering to Listen, Care, Refer and Pray for callers every day of the week between 9am-11pm, including Public Holidays.
The Rhema 99.9 Careline will operate on 02 65810814.

Hope 103.2 Careline
Recently Hope Media formed an agreement with Careline Connections to start a Hope 103.2 Careline. The Hope 103.2 Careline will operate in addition to current support services, offering to Listen, Care, Refer and Pray for callers every day of the week between 9am-11pm, including Public Holidays.
The Hope 103.2 Careline operates on 02 7227 5533 and will be officially launched shortly.
Hope Media 103.2 operates in Sydney and is one of the largest Christian media stations in Australia. Careline Connections is proud to count Hope Media 103.2 as one of our valued partners.
Heavens Comfort
Heavens Comfort have kindly donated a number of blankets to Careline. These special blankets are embroidered with comforting bible verses. The blankets will be sent to callers who may be in need of some care at a low point in their lives.

Careline Connections 5 year plan
Careline Connections have examined where Careline would like to be in 5 years. This has resulted in a 5 year plan which has been approved by the board. Central to the plan is seeking new funding sources including grants and donations to allow Careline to grow into new areas. Possibilities for growth include into the Asia/Pacific region beyond Australia and supporting young people within Christian schools. Careline will be seeking new volunteers to help us move towards this exiting future.

Careline visit to South Australia
Gary recently went to South Australia and visited the sites of Careline’s two South Australian media partners – Lime FM in Mount Gambier and Life FM Adelaide.
1079 Life FM has undergone renovations and is looking great. Discussions with both partners included included Careline reporting and advertising for Careline volunteers.
Careline values these two media partners and looks forward to having careline volunteers in South Australia soon.
Media Partnership - 96three Careline
Careline Connections is proud to announce a new agreement between Careline Connections and 96Three FM radio station in Geelong. An MOU between Careline Connections and 96three FM was signed on the 20th June 2023. David Day, 96three CEO said 96three were delighted to be able to partner and support the ministry of Careline Connections. The new 96three Careline will be officially launched towards the end of this year.

Careline Connections at Connect 23
Andrew, Gary and Peter went to The Light office in Mitcham to negotiate a new Contra deal between Careline and The Light. The Light will be developing an ad for volunteers that will be available to all media partners. Also discussed were the on-air promotions and reporting.
The new agreement is expected to be signed in a week or two. Andrew and Gary attended the annual CMAA conference Connect 23 on the Gold Coast. The Conference included an Awards night which recognised those associated with Christian media who had made a valuable contribution in the past. The awards night also recognised great work of those currently in media organisations. The music of Riley Clements was a highlight. The Conference include guest speakers and panel discussions on issues facing Christian media today.
Andrew and Gary spoke to over 20 of the Careline media partners and spent time with supporters of Careline from a number of organisations across Australia. You can read a full report of Conect 23 at here.

New Board Member
Janelle Brooks has recently been appointed to the board of Careline. Janelle joined Careline in 2017 as a volunteer and became part of the MCC Careline team. Janelle became a team leader in September 2020, and has been managing her team expertly and with a minimum of fuss since then. Her knowledge of Careline and her work in other areas will enable her to bring a unique perspective to the Board.