
Need care?

Would you like to speak to someone today? 

Someone who cares is just a phone call away. 

03 9070 6134


Careline Connections provides a phone helpline across Australia. 

Careline Health Indicators - January



The number of conversation of greater than 2min our volunteers have had with callers last month

Support Hours


The number of hours our volunteers have spent helping callers last month


Number of 2.5 hour shifts done by volunteers last month

Positive Feedback – 9

Complaints – 2

Careline social Impact





Careline hours of operation

Careline has continued to operate from 9 am to 11 pm over the Christmas and New year period.  During January we will continue to operate every day.  However, we do have a number of volunteers who are away. 

Please accept our appologies for any delays in returning your calls.  

Careline regrets that it cannot leave messages for privacy reasons.  

Verse of the month

 In this world you will have trouble. But take heart!  I have overcome the world.   

John 16:33

From the desk of Andrew

Catch the latest news from Andrew Schram the General Manager of Careline.  Updated 11 Oct 24


Domestic & Family Violence

The behaviours of a person who uses domestic and family violence vary, and stem from a need to exert power and control, instilling fear in the other. If you experience violence you are never to blame and violence in any form from an intimate partner, family member or carer is unacceptable.

The signs of abuse are not always obvious. No one else may know you’re experiencing abuse. You may feel like it’s your fault (it’s not) or that it’s normal (it’s not). Nothing you say or do makes it OK for someone to abuse you. If someone is making you feel unsafe, is trying to control or manipulate you, or is harming you in any way – that’s abuse. It’s OK to talk about it with someone and ask for help. You deserve to be respected and to feel safe, always.

If you don’t feel safe, please reach out. There are people who can help you – just check our wellbeing resource page.

Sourced from – Catholic Social Service Victoria website

Careline Fundraising

Careline Calendars

The Careline Calendar features features 12 original paintings by artist Elizabeth Young.  Her focus is painting flowers using acrylic paints.  The Careline Calendar is available exclusively from Careline Connections. Order your 2025 Calendar now for $30 (postage within Australia included).

Calendars will be posted within 2 weeks of order.

Find out more about other Careline fundraising projects such as the Container Deposit scheme.

Share the news that someone who cares is just a phone call away. Visit our facebook page at:


facebook link


Careline provides listener support to these and other radio stations around Australia.

Your station not included in the list?  Contact us to find out how to add a caring help and referal line for your station.



Connectel – Proud supplier of Careline communications equipment


Looking for a caring counsellor who shares your Christian values. There are professional CCAA counsellors across Australia. Find a counsellor near you. 



Abound in Life

Christian counselling education that is bible based, taught by professionals and fully accredited.